أخبار محلية

التنمية الاجتماعية: قسائم شرائية لـ 5131 أسرة لمدة 5 شهور

أعلن مفوض عام وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية في قطاع غزة لؤي المدهون أنه سيتم استهداف 5131 أسرة بواقع 22169 منتفع في مشروع قسيمة شرائية لمدة 5 شهور.

وأكد المدهون أن قيمة القسيمة الشرائية 35 شيكل للفرد الواحد في الشهر، لافتا إلى أنه تم اختيار الأسر الأكثر تضرا من جائحة “كورونا” ومسجلة على قوائم استهداف الوزارة، وأن هذه المساعدة جاءت نتاج الإجراءات التي اتخذتها الحكومة للتخفيف عن الأسر ومساعدتها جراء اعلان حالة الطوارئ لمواجهة جائحة كورونا في قطاع غزة.

ونوه المدهون إلى أن الأسر المستفيدة ستبدأ في تلقي المساعدة ابتداء من يوم غد الاثنين الموافق 30 نوفمبر 2020.

ولفت إلى أن القسيمة ستصرف عن طريق الرقم السري أو الكود الذي ستقوم وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية وبرنامج الأغذية العالمي بإرساله للأسر عن طريق الجوال برسالة قصيرة، علما بأن لكل شهر كود مختلف.

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‫19 تعليقات

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  2. © 2022 Social Finance, Inc. First, it’s important to understand the hurdles ahead. The most obvious issue is the rise of hackers, and crypto staking isn’t an exception. As crypto hacking continues to soar – with a report finding loses from hacking reached nearly $2 billion in 2022 already – it’s likely that crypto staking will be placed firmly in hacker’s crosshairs. Therefore, in the first case, a node must be owned in order to stake, in the second case, it is not necessary. It is worth mentioning, however, that even in the first case there are nodes that allow users to provide tokens, as if they were lent, in order to stake them on their behalf, paying a sort of interest to the users who lent them to them. Crypto exchanges allow you to stake crypto through blockchains that run a PoS consensus mechanism with compatible cryptocurrencies. These stakes will appear on a staking page or as a staking option in your investment portfolio. It’s worth noting that some exchanges take a significant cut of your initial investment. You can generally find out more about each exchange’s services on their terms and services page.
    Grow your crypto knowledge with news, articles, podcasts, and webinars, and dive deeper with on-demand education. Within the world of crypto, there are different types of value systems. Bitcoin gains its value from the limited amount of coins available in its network, the number of holders, and investor confidence. But another type of digital currency, known as a stablecoin, pegs its value to legal tender like the U.S. dollar. Some types of stablecoins also use algorithms to control their supply of currency and stay consistent with the dollar’s value. This is meant to preserve some government-backed confidence in virtual markets—but even this is flailing. At the same time, a lot of the basic technology investment and entrepreneurship in crypto is still going on. We saw this with previous crypto cycles as well. In late 2017-2018, there was a significant downturn, and many of today’s top crypto companies emerged out of that. So, I think from an entrepreneurship perspective, there’s a lot of teams still building, and there’s an opportunity here when things are a little bit less crazed, when there’s less attention and especially energy around speculation and trading — this gives an entrepreneur more time to focus and actually develop their product carefully without constantly having to face the market.

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    Для лікування інфекційних процесів переднього відділу ока «Унисепт» застосовують шляхом закапування по 2-3 краплі 2 рази на добу в кожний очей до одужання. Но у многих дома есть популярный антисептик — мирамистин. Возникает логичный вопрос: можно ли капать или промывать глаза мирамистином? Мирамистин – эффективные капли для лечения глазных инфекционных заболеваний. Быстро оказывают терапевтический эффект и не допускают распространению инфекционного процесса. Обычно препарат хорошо переносится пациентами и редко вызывает побочные эффекты. Новорожденным. Для профилактики офтальмии у новорожденных сразу после рождения ребенку закапывают по 1 капле препарата в каждый глаз 2 раза с интервалом 2-3 минуты. Ольга: С помощью Мирамистина полностью избавилась от бактериального конъюнктивита. Причем во время лечения не наблюдалось никаких побочных эффектов. Жжение в глазу было только после первых закапываний препарата. Острота зрения не снижалась.

  5. That is probably why many of the destinations we’re seeing that are reaching capacity are domestic vacation getaways, places like Hawai‘i, Montana, and Florida that don’t present the same pandemic challenges as international locales. You don’t want to miss out on the best prices of the year or the chance to use these adorable vacation reveals! Book online or call 855-GET-AWAY to book over the phone. The gift of a vacation is one gift you can guarantee won’t be returned.  It’s important to not have expectations too rigid when you are booking last minute travel. Having a detailed plan for what you want to do will cloud the possibilities that can come from spontaneous travel. Sometimes it’s the last minute adventures where you have little plan that end up being the best, so don’t get too bent out of shape if plans change.
    Wanting to do a bit more exploring of the area? It’s just a pittance to cross the bridge to Key Biscayne for a pretty drive with free beaches all along the way, each one with a better view than the last. Just make sure to keep on beach hopping until you reach Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park because for a very small fee you can visit the park, have a picnic at any of the plentiful picnic tables, park your car in the shade and unload your crew in the sand next to some crystal clear water. Although, be warned, you may find it hard to relax when everywhere you look is a picture-perfect scene ready to be photographed and launched across social media, causing intentional vacation envy. After a day of relaxing at the beach, head to the Daytona Beach Bandshell. It hosts free live music from June to September, with a fireworks show on weekends. Here, you can find a host of hotels within easy reach of the beach for under $100. Read more

  6. Zákaz hrania hazardných hier osobám mladším ako 18 rokov. Ak by ste napríklad chceli podávať rovnakých päť čísel na každé nasledujúce žrebovanie až do odvolania, stačí za SMS pridať písmenko O. SMS správa by následne vyzerala napríklad takto: LOTO535 15 34 35 24 10 O. Ak si chcete podať lotériu s náhodnými číslami, na číslo 3333 pošlite sms v nasledujúcom tvare: LOTO535 Q. K obom týmto možnostiam môžete pripojiť aj doplnkovú hru Joker. Ak však stále podávate tie isté čísla dokola, treba podotknúť, že vaše šance to prakticky nijak nezvyšuje. Skutočne nezáleží ani na tom, či budete v každom žrebovaní skúšať tipovať rovnaké čísla. Známa veta „jedného dňa to musí padnúť“ síce znie, akoby vychádzala z matematickej pravdepodobnosti, v Eurojackpote to však neplatí (ako sme si už ukázali).
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  7. Compare density of snow with water and ice: do you know snow is composed of snowflakes and air? So the density depends on how much air it contains. Follow the link for detailed experiment instruction. Website Email * My son collected one cup of snow and brought it into our kitchen. As you can see, one cup of packed snow melts to create only half of a cup of water. Baking soda and vinegar science experiments are always a huge hit with my preschoolers. No matter how many times we make a volcano erupt, they keep begging to do it again and again. Snow Volcano Winter Science Activities for Preschoolers are a great way to take advantage of the snowy weather and take science learning outdoors! Each snowflake is unique. Explore the molecular structure and formation of snowflakes, then head over to PBS LearningMedia for ideas on how to integrate the physics of snowflakes into your science and math classes. Students can also learn to classify snowflakes based on their shape, while learning about the famous photographer Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley who perfected the art of capturing the beauty of snowflakes before they vanished.
    This density demo is more difficult, but the results are stunning in a glass, layer of honey, dish soap, water, and rubbing alcohol. Your 5th-grade science students will be delighted when the liquids magically float together (except it is real science). Prepare your engineering project exhibit board. See the Project Display Rules and Helpful Display Hints for a successful project board. Drinking straws are not just for milk or lemonade, but for engineering and science too. Make a fun roller coaster! This density demo is more difficult, but the results are stunning in a glass, layer of honey, dish soap, water, and rubbing alcohol. Your 5th-grade science students will be delighted when the liquids magically float together (except it is real science).

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  11. Once again, it would appear that there’s some betting bias involved when the Knicks’ championship odds are on par with those of the Toronto Raptors. You may recall the Raptors winning 48 games, capturing their second Atlantic Division crown and coming within a buzzer-beating block of advancing to the second round of the playoffs. The Bucks knocked off the Suns to claim the NBA title last season. Who will win it all this season? Will it be the Nets? The Lakers? A Milwaukee repeat? There are plenty of ways to bet this season, so we wanted to supply you with your preseason options. Personally, I love the Denver Nuggets at +2000 as an NBA Finals contender, but there are several other teams (Milwaukee, Golden State, Boston, Brooklyn) that all make sense for an NBA Finals bet as well.
    ANALYSIS: Logan Gilbert goes for the Mariners against a weak-hitting Oakland A’s team that is ranked 22nd versus right-handed pitchers. Gilbert is on his way to being one of the best pitchers in baseball. He added a split to his 96 mph fastball, slider and curveball repertoire, His strikeouts per nine are up, but most impressive is his walks per nine innings is below 2. Oakland is 9-17 on the run line in away games. Gilbert should dominate them Thursday. ANALYSIS: Thursday the Chicago Cubs will have a chance to win a season high three straight home games. Thus far their starting pitching has had an upper hand against the New York Mets. Today’s starter in Kyle Hendricks may be choppy as he has not pitched since last July. Yet look for the Cubs bats to make up for it against veteran Carlos Carrasaco. Take the Cubs.

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