أخبار محلية

رابط الاستعلام والفحص المباشر عن نتائج تسجيل في تصاريح العمل داخل إسرائيل 2022

والفحص المباشر عن نتائج تسجيل في تصاريح العمل داخل إسرائيل، بعد أن قاموا بالتسجيل عبر موقع وزارة العمل خلال الفترة الماضية.

الهيئة العامة للشؤون المدنية، أعلنت مساء أمس الأربعاء، بدء العمل بنظام الاستعلام الجديد والخاص بمواطنينا في قطاع غزة.

وأوضحت الهيئة في تنويهٍ نشرته عبر صفحتها على “فيسبوك”، أنّ ذلك يتم عبر حصول كل مواطن على رمز خاص من خلال رسالة على رقم جواله الخاص، وذلك لخصوصية بيانات و معلومات المواطنين.

للاستعلام الجديد اضغط هناللاستعلام والفحص المباشر عن نتائج تسجيل في تصاريح

مقالات ذات صلة

‫49 تعليقات

  1. Clearly, this cautionary tale demonstrates that the crypto industry has work to do when it comes to equipping investors with the knowledge and tools to take part in this new asset class. That’s the driving reason behind Crypto Literacy Month, an initiative that strives to drive greater consumer education about Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies in general, the concepts behind them, as well as ways investors can wisely integrate digital assets into their portfolios. But something weird was happening. On the morning of October 29, when he searched the $SQUID hashtag on Twitter, he saw people tweeting that they couldn’t sell their holdings. Others corrected those struggling to cash out, explaining they needed to buy marbles, which were obtained through a pay-to-play game organized by the project’s owners, in order to sell. Hartford paused for a moment. “I wasn’t sure at that stage if I’d been scammed or not,” he says.
    Today’s money is mainly digital, highlighting the notion that money is ultimately a construct of society. This means that it is ultimately a shared fiction created by humans to facilitate trade and value creation.  Outlawing cryptocurrencies would make little sense unless the authorities feared that large transactions involving cryptos could destabilize the fiat-currency exchange rates. Besides, outlawing cryptocurrency must necessarily be a global move. It would lose credibility if some countries refused to comply. The fundamental problem with this approach is that the existence of cryptocurrencies and crypto derivatives is not a crime, and it is far from evident that those who buy them are acting against the public interest. It’s also possible that, in the future, cryptocurrencies or CBDCs issued by foreign countries could be widely used in Canada. This could compromise the central role of the Canadian dollar in our economy and affect the stability of our financial system.

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