أخبار محلية

التنمية تتحدث عن موعد شيكات الشؤون واجراءات الوزارة بشأن أضرار المنخفض

تحدثت د. عزيزة الكحلوت المتحدثة باسم وزارة التنمية الإجتماعية بغزة، عن أخر مستجدات شيكات الشؤون الاجتماعية وموعدها.

وقالت الكحلوت لإذاعة صوت الأقصى: حتى اللحظة لا معلومات متوفرة حول صرف مخصصات الشؤون الاجتماعية وبإنتظار تحديد موعدها حتى نهاية الشهر  الحالي.

وحول استعدادات الوزارة للمنخفضات الجوية، أوضحت أنه، في كل منخفض جوي تكون طواقمنا في الميدان وحالياً تقوم بحصر كل الأسر المتضررة وتقديم ما يلزم لها.

وأردفت: لدينا لجان طوارئ للشتاء وهي منعقدة حالياً لمتابعة تداعيات المنخفض الجوي. وأشارت إلى أنه منذ أمس طواقم الوزارة موجودة في الميدان ولجان الطوارئ منعقدة وتتابع الأسر المتضررة وتقدم ما هو متوفر لديها من نايلون وفرشات واحرمات.

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  1. “There is no longer dystopian world where a mysterious organisation gathers people who are in large amounts of debt and “living on the edge”. Rather than 456 players drawn from different walks of life but each deeply in debt chosen intentionally by the organizers in the drama, everyone here in crypto world can participate in the Squid Game with SQUID token or related NFTs in our marketplace,” it further adds. Save Your Memories with Photo Restoration: Bring Your Old Photos Back to Life Here comes the trickiest part of the process, now you need to create your own wallet to hold both BNB and SGPRO, there are several options to create your own wallet, the best option is to use a hardware wallet, such as Ledger Nano S or Ledger Nano X. They are secure hardware that provide various layers of security to protect your assets, you only have to store the seed phrases in a safe place and never put it online (i.e. do NOT upload the seed phrases to any cloud services storage email, and also do not take photo of it). If you are planning to stay in the crypto scene for a while, it is highly recommended that you get a hardware wallet.
    All in all, the trading experience in Crypto’s exchange is very intuitive. The platform is straightforward to use. There’s plenty of liquidity and a lot of cryptocurrencies to choose from. Additionally, day trading crypto doesn’t require a brokerage account… Or a margin account for that matter. These two factors also make it easier to capitalize off of short-term trades. But it’s not all puppy dogs and rainbows for crypto traders. There is one glaring drawback. There is some good news for investors. If you held a digital asset last year, and received no interest on your cryptocurrency through staking—when you lock up your cryptocurrency on your digital platform to earn interest—there is no need to report your crypto activity on your tax return. Demo Mode, also known as Paper trading, lets you try crypto trading with simulated funds.

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